Our Team

Our Founder

Sally Kellett

“I’ve realised, for me, happiness is about being able to help others on their journey, as I continue on mine.”

Sally Kellett is a professional meditation teacher, certified sound meditation practitioner and founder of Mirosuna – a wellbeing hub and mindfulness studio created for busy professionals to truly recharge.

After experiencing the real, tangible benefits of mindfulness herself without giving up hours of her day to meditate, along with studying mindfulness both in Australia and internationally, Sally now teaches others how to bring meditation and mindfulness into their own lives so they see the benefits long after they finish their meditation class.

Mirosuna, meaning ‘the perfect moment to create space for change’, is Sally’s answer to sharing the tools and techniques required for lasting mindfulness without the ‘woo woo’. Combining the most effective ways to experience deep relaxation and access more happiness and meaning in life, Sally has created an urban sanctuary designed to offer the best in sound baths, meditation sessions and mindfulness classes, all optimising the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of anyone who visits.

Whether it’s a mid-week mindfulness class, her trance-inducing sound meditations, or her travels to learn mindfulness direct from Buddhist nuns themselves, Sally’s work always ties back to helping people create more fulfillment, more meaning and more connection in their lives.

Meet our Team

Our soulful team of practitioners are passionate and dedicated to making this world a better place. Mindfulness is at the core of everything we offer at Mirosuna. It is our deepest intention to provide you with a safe and non-judgmental space, where you can switch off from the external noise and come home to yourself.

Our kind and loving community are the life-blood of Mirosuna, and the constant pulse that keeps us motivated to do what we do. We welcome you to join us for a class, a tea, a chat – and take the first step in discovering a new way of being.

With Love,
From us to you

Vivienne Law

Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Registered Mental Health Nurse

“Notice the small pauses between your breaths, words and movements… for in these spacious moments, pockets of silence, is where our inner wisdom and contentment with the present emerges”

I found meditation at a time when the world slowed down. The universe presented me with a moment to pause and I learnt what it means to ‘come home’ to myself.

Through a regular meditation practice I have come to befriend my internal landscape. I am passionate about demystifying the teachings and practices of mindfulness and meditation, so that more people can experience the benefits of living mindfully and live with more ease.

My approach to teaching is spacious, simple, light-hearted. You may notice I often weave in the neuroscience or the ‘why’ behind the practice. The invitation is to be curious and compassionate with yourself and I’ll be there with a smile, holding space and guiding you through.

Yen Le

Meditation & Yoga Teacher

“I can only truly see another when I have looked deeply enough into my own soul.”

My ongoing journey from dis-ease to wellness all started nearly a decade ago when I accidentally discovered yoga while attempting to “find my tribe” in a martial arts dojo. There was something about closing my eyes and flowing with my breath that enabled me to soothe my anxious monkey mind and find stillness in my body.

From juggling a “9-5” (which at times meant morning to midnight), to navigating the wild oceans of familial, cultural, societal and relational drama and endless expectations whilst battling physical and mental exhaustion, the only retreat I had amidst the chaos has been the gentle contentment that I would find in the minutes of stillness that I carved out in my day.

Through mindfulness, meditation and breathwork, I will be your guide on this journey inward. I like to play with various visualisation techniques to guide and ground awareness through the body and its energy centres. In my class, you will find a space that is uplifting, caring and safe, to be who you are and explore what you need in each present moment.

Brittni Giles


“Breathe deeply and appreciate the gift of your presence”

I’m Brittni, an integrative movement and mindfulness coach. Finding pockets of joy every day, and rejuvenating and resting peacefully is central to my personal mantra.

Over many years, I’ve shaped my own holistic approach to living a healthy, joyous and balanced life through mindful movement, meditation, yoga and positive psychology. My practice is centred around guiding my clients along a healthier and happier path, to connect with and courageously express their authentic selves.

Every class presents a unique opportunity for students to discover their own, unique practice. I guide students to build an intuitive relationship to movement and mindfulness in a safe and positive environment, holding space for creativity, growth and harmony.

Daryl Khor


“Can we be quiet enough to hear to our soul’s deepest desires?”

A long-time meditation practitioner, I found myself distracted by the pulls of the daily life and the corporate world. After becoming disillusioned work, I rediscovered my practice in the search for a deeper meaning and serving a higher purpose.
I embarked on a journey of inquisition, exploring yoga, mysticism, psychology and a myriad of holistic practices. I find myself fascinated by the mysteries and wonders of the universe.
After a chance meeting between myself and Sally, I find myself sharing my dharma at Mirosuna. I’ve found that facilitation is a means of discovery in myself, with each individual having their own unique path.
I hope that I can help uncover the Divine wisdom that each of you possess within to live your most authentic life.

Benita Miciulis


“It is only when we find the courage to be honest with ourselves, and to hold all that is revealed with deep reverence and compassion, that we can delight in the magic of returning to wholeness.”

It was amidst the shadows of life that I discovered the radiant gifts of meditation, mindfulness and embodied movement. These practices have been steadfast companions in my own healing, empowering me to experience a life of presence and intention, teaching me how to navigate challenges with greater ease and clarity, and infusing even the most mundane moments with delight and meaning.

Passionate about sharing these transformative practices, I seek to help others enrich their lives and cultivate a sanctuary within themselves. Through my guidance, I aim to facilitate a profound sense of trust and possibility—in body, mind, and the unfolding journey of life itself.

Join me as I invite you to embrace the beauty and complexity of this extraordinary life, finding solace and strength in the depths of your own being.

Elizabeth Ho

Breath Work Teacher

“While I cannot do the work for you, I can promise to be there along the way - to be your guide and your cheerleader until you become that for yourself.”

Breath is integral to everything we do – to become more aware of the breath is to become more aware of life.

Breathwork as a modality propelled me out of stagnancy, providing a space to honour my body and befriend all my emotions. As an instrument in healing, it gives me clarity to move forward – intentionally crafting the life I desire. We can all be our own greatest teachers if we dare, and through the power of the breath I return to my truths.

My teachings are a reflection of the learnings, training, and growth throughout my life. As we bloom together, you too will shed the ideas, beliefs, and narratives that no longer serve or fit the mould of the person you seek to become. 

I invite you to be curious as you explore your potential and challenge the possibility of what you can do.

I welcome you fully – it would be a joy to hold space for you.

Kim yates

meditation & yoga teacher

“Coming home means finding your true authentic self. It means being in touch with the place inside that is beyond reach of anything, or anyone. It is beyond language, beyond thought.”

After a big direction change in my life path over a decade ago, I started to deepen my mindfulness practice and used it as a tool to help me feel and express my emotions. It helped me move through some of my life’s greatest challenges.

After years in the corporate world and seeing so many people burnt out, I decided share all the tools that I had learnt from my practice of yoga and meditation to help others experience both rewarding and life changing experience for themselves.

My style of teaching is calm, inviting, compassionate with a spiritual touch. My passion lies with yin and meditation, as I have seen the positive effect that it has had on me and so many of my students.

I am forever evolving in my practice, and my purpose is to hold space and share this beautiful ancient practice with you.

Anthony wu

meditation teacher

"Put order into chaos. Do what you can, with what you have, do it to the best of your ability in this moment. Keep going."

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to be on your transformative journey. My meditation journey allows me to continue to learn about the mind-body connection, allowing me to experience the intricate ways of our mind and body and glimpses of the realm beyond.

Through mindfulness, I’ve discovered compassion towards myself and others, I have been able to practice techniques for down-regulating stress during challenging times, and learned to overcome life’s obstacles whilst grooving to whatever music the Universe is playing.

In addition to my meditation practice, I am a passionate student of Stoic philosophy, which I believe complements my practice as I strive to be a spiritually pragmatic student of life. Stoicism has provided me with practical wisdom and tools for navigating life’s complexities, embracing each moment as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

Join me at Mirosuna to embark on a transformative journey towards inner discovery and harmony through meditation and Stoic philosophy.

Evie Shepherd

Remedial & Holistic Massage Therapist

“In order to experience serenity, we must first surrender."

My style is remedial informed yet I love to weave deep tissue and deep relaxation strokes for your mind and body. I genuinely love caring for people and I pay attention to the smaller details to create a bespoke experience for you to come in and truly let go.

A massage is a powerful tool to interrupt patterns of stress and to reintroduce mindfulness in a safe space where there is nothing required of you but for you to simply receive.

It is always my aim to uplift and empower you to connect with yourself and your mind and body. As a fully qualified remedial massage therapist, I use a blend of various techniques to deliver a firm and attentive treatment for bodies that are sore and fatigued and minds that are tired and overworked.

In conjunction with delivering holistic massage, I’m currently studying social work and love being out in nature. I adore my three cats and love spending time gardening.

I look forward to giving you a beautiful experience at Mirosuna.

Melissa Caccamo

Holistic Counsellor

"The inner light we hold is our true salvation. This love has the ability to illuminate all without condition or judgement, and it’s been within all along.”

I truly believe that everyone has the ability to heal and live richer, more connected lives. All we need to do is be willing to dive inwards.

Together we’ll uncover and address any underlying emotions, mental patterns, reoccurring life situations or limiting beliefs that may be blocking you from living in your fully expressed wholeness.

Using a blend of gentle experiential modalities that focus on freeing all parts of the being, we’ll intuitively explore mind/body techniques, belief inquiry processes, creative visualisations, tapping, constellation work and various other methods.

Let’s journey together as fellow travellers on this beautiful path of evolution.

Simone Kyoong

Reiki Master

“Reiki's healing energy offers a pathway to self-discovery and transformation. It nurtures the body, mind and spirit towards optimal health and wellbeing.”

From an early age, I found myself drawn to the unseen forces of the universe. It wasn’t until I became a parent, that I truly comprehended my life’s purpose.

Parenthood was a catalyst for my spiritual awakening. It illuminated the path towards harnessing and sharing universal energy, which led me to exploring and mastering the ancient healing art of Reiki.

Becoming a Reiki master marked a pivotal moment in my life’s journey. Guided by an innate desire to serve others, I immersed myself in the teachings of Reiki.

I discovered a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose, knowing that I was aligned with the universe’s divine plan for me.

Today, as a Reiki master, I am honoured to walk alongside others on their own paths of healing and self-discovery. I love creating spaces where individuals can reconnect with their soul and experience the transformative power of universal energy.

Kimberley Grace

Reiki Master

“My belief in the inherent goodness of people and their boundless potential drives me. When I see a person diminished it is my instinct to spark the light inside them to ignite their joy and passion again.”

Throughout my life, I’ve found myself experiencing many serendipitous moments, where I could positively shift the energy and mindset of a person in need.

Witnessing how kindness and warm energy can transform a person’s reality paved my path towards becoming a reiki healer.

I have deep compassion and understanding and my soul purpose is to facilitate healing to people on an emotional, mental, and physical level. 

You can expect a deeply relaxing, restorative and uplifting healing session when you visit me at the incredible healing space of Mirosuna.

Sally Bonardi

Reiki Master, Massage Therapist & Yoga Teacher

“A relaxed internal environment allows you to heal and thrive on the outside. When you're relaxed internally, your body's systems have the space to function optimally.”

My aim is to create a safe, nurturing space for you to deeply surrender and energetically clear away what’s no longer serves you. In doing so, we can gently create and allow space to invite in the new and all the things that you truly feel aligned with.

My nature is curious, empathetic, kind, playful and down to earth. I love creating deep and meaningful interactions with my clients and create a space for them to disconnect from the outside world, to detach and experience deep relaxation.

Imagine feeling completely nurtured, a space where you can just be yourself and surrender. My practices weave in guided meditation and breathing to propel your healing and relaxation journey.

With experience working in a corporate environment for almost 20 years, this has given me the insight of daily stresses and pressure and how over time this can negatively affect our health. I’d love to work with you and help you on your journey too!

Dr Susie Zhang

Chinese Medicine Doctor & Acupuncturist

“To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders” - Lao Tzu

In my practice, I draw on elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine and esoteric practices to create a safe space for each individual to explore themselves, and it is through this practice that we find balance and healing together. 

I believe in a holistic existence, an all-encompassing lens in which we view life, health, wellness and everything in between.

I see the human experience, according to the philosophy of Chinese Medicine, as one that exists in the middle plane between the heavens above and the earths below. A microcosm of the universe, the macrocosm. The laws of the universe which apply to nature also apply to us as individuals, and when we can lean into this connection, we are able to meet ourselves in a deeper way.

Claire Kenna

Somatic Trauma Therapist, Kinesiologist, Energy Healer

“When we’re in tune with our intuition, spirit and body, we discover the deeper truths of who we are, and few things are more beautiful than that.”

At the heart, I believe our awakening is rooted in the embodiment of our human experience and not separate from it.

I hold space for you to engage with your whole being(ness) in a nurturing and safe environment.

Our time together allows you to be, feel, and explore a deeper sense of who you are. You’ll learn ways to strengthen your relationship with your body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

My commitment is to your growth, and I will hold you to your authenticity with great love and compassion.

Dr Cassandra Young

Chinese Medicine Doctor & Acupuncturist

“When we feel balanced in our own skin, we can go on to be true to ourselves, share our gifts with this world and be aligned to our truest capabilities.”

My treatments draw from Chinese Medicine, Daoist and Buddhist philosophies and techniques to rejuvenate and energize the skin, expression and vitality. This framework helps us intimately understand how we interact with and care for our bodies, spirit, emotions, communities and the environment. In our work together,

I strive to empower you in understanding this deep interconnectedness so that you feel vibrant and supported in your own skin and spirit.

My approach is open, compassionate, and heart centred. I love supporting people from all walks of life and backgrounds, and I aim to provide the space for you to feel aligned, brighter and empowered to create change in your life and heartfelt connection back to yourself. 


a sanctuary where you come first

Welcome to a community where prioritising your wellbeing is not a luxury, but a right. The key that unlocks an abundance of success, vitality and meaning in all areas of your life.

Find solace and purpose in the stillness, away from interruptions.

It’s time for you.